
How often should carpets be cleaned?

A clean floor is key to a healthy indoor environment. Yet many neglect cleaning one of the most common surfaces — carpeted floors. However there are many reasons to beware of dirty carpet!
What is hiding in your carpet can be potentially harmful. Especially If you have a significant amount of carpet in your home, it’s your biggest filter, and it collects a lot of dust, dander, and allergens.
Look at your carpet from several angles. It’s a significant part of your home décor, it’s comfortable, it’s acoustical, among other great qualities. But it is also a reservoir for soil.
Carpets trap allergens like pollen, house dust mites, mold, animal dander, and microscopic parts of insects. These may cause allergic symptoms such as sneezing, red and itchy eyes, a runny nose, or breathing discomfort. This can become a serious health issue, especially for people with developing or advanced respiratory conditions.
The situation is sometimes aggravated when improper vacuuming loosens particles into the air, which may cause instant allergic reactions. Dirty carpet carries harmful bacteria from a variety of sources. And this can be more threatening for children and pets because they are in contact with carpet for an extended period.
Moreover, spills or pet urine, in particular, foster mold growth, expanding the potential health hazards through gut health and possibly acting as a repository for potential toxins. This can lead to microbial activity, causing carpet fiber damage, and can impact overall immunity in those you love. High microbial contamination in an environment like a dirty carpet causes the body’s immune system to work more to fend off possible infections. Skin contact with dirty carpet can also cause irritations and infections like athlete’s foot or worsen preexisting skin problems, such as eczema.
It is essential to recognize potential issues and do the right thing: Keep your carpet clean. It’s just like any other surface. It would be unheard of to go a year without sweeping and mopping your hard floors. Imagine a bathroom floor going weeks or months… you get the picture. Why allow the carpet to go that long between cleanings?
While you should beware of dirty carpet, you should embrace clean carpet. Do the right thing right now. Call or book online and schedule your cleaning appointment. While you are at it, book some furniture cleaning, too. After all, it pays to call a pro!